About Us

Our Mission

We develop communities to achieve agricultural profitability through sustainable land use, good agricultural practices and natural resource management.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a leading catalyst in agri-ecological business transformation within sub-Saharan Africa.

Our Core Values


Mutual Respect

Requiring us to recognize each person’s innate worth and the value of diversity.

Equality And Justice

Requiring us to thrive for equal opportunity for all people, irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status, colour, class, ethnicity, disability, location or religion.

Honesty And Transparency

Requiring us to be accountable to our target groups, donors and key stakeholders to ensure the effectiveness of our actions & openness in our communications with others.

Solidarity With Smallholder Farmers

Supporting smallholder farmers is the basis of our commitment to achieving agro-ecological business transformation.



From any religious or political affiliation.


In our presentation and behaviour towards our target groups, donors and key stakeholders – recognizing that we are part of a broader alliance in the fight against poverty.

Our History

SAT is a strong, leading and trusted local Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) specialized in smallholder farmer development and extension services provision. Established as a Trust in 2007 and registered as a PVO in Zimbabwe in 2011 (reference number 09/11), SAT has implemented many development projects for the benefit of at least 600,000 rural farming households in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland. SAT is headquartered in Harare, Zimbabwe, and has a number of field offices in the country, but it is also registered in Zambia as Agriculture Income Management (AIM).

SAT has a history of effective program implementation and delivery and has honed its expertise in scaling up smallholder productivity and commercializing smallholder farmers in a variety of value chains that include cattle, poultry, oilseeds and pulses, horticulture and staple crops. In the process, we have developed a strong network of field-based local expertise that can be easily leveraged to increase the impact and reach of our programs. We have also implemented successful wildlife and NRM projects.

Our Partners

Over the years, SAT has partnered with key donor, public and private partners to deliver innovative agriculture development initiatives based on a proven participatory extension model and a grassroots approach which promotes responsive programming owned and driven by communities – with maximized impact on farmer yields, incomes and nutrition and health outcomes.

Our main donors over the years have included the Department for International Development (DFID), European Union (EU), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), GIZ, GOAL, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Food Programme (WFP). We also work closely with other development NGOs, national farmers’ organisations and the Ministries of Agriculture in all project countries. In addition, we have built long-standing relationships with local government agencies, communities, local leaders and private sector partners to enable efficient and impactful programming, thereby transforming smallholder agriculture and delivering lasting impact for rural farming households in targeted project countries.

Projects Gallery

Zimbabwe Agriculture Growth Programe-Inclusive Poultry Value Chain (IPVC) Project

The Zimbabwe Livelihoods and Food Security Program (LFSP)

Supporting Communities and Law Enforcement Against Poaching – Scale Ap

Wild Manjinji Community Tourism and Conservation Project (Wild Phase 2)

ZAGP – Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) Project

ZAGP-Beef Enterprise Strengthening and Transformation (Best) Poject

Reviving the Exports of Oranges and Paprika and Exploring the Niche of Saffron (REOPENS)