The Beef Enterprise Strengthening and Transformation (BEST) project is funded by the European Union. The project commenced on the 1st of February 2019, the length of the project is 48 months. The BEST project is being implemented in five provinces of Zimbabwe through a consortium led by World Vision, in partnership with SAT, Welthungerhilfe (WHH), Livestock and Meat Advisory Council (LMAC) and Zimbabwe Agriculture Development Trust (ZADT). The project seeks to create a robust, competitive beef value chain that promotes enhanced trade, employment creation, food security, and inclusive green economic growth by 2023 for 25,000 small to medium as well as commercial cattle farmers.
Sustainable private sector partnerships with beef farmers is very important to the success of the project. The key strategy for the project is the establishment of Cattle Business Centers (CBCs) managed by the private sector. The CBCs will create hubs of production, extension and marketing activities for beef farmers who will access input and output markets, financial and reproductive services, fodder production and husbandry training. A total of 10 main CBCs with 50 satellites are planned. SAT is honoured to be responsible for the construction of the only CBCs that will have irrigated pastures under centre pivots.
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