Under the 11th European Development Fund, the European Union and the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) formulated the Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Program (ZAGP). The Inclusive Poultry Value Chain (IPVC) Proposal was awarded EUR 6 million towards improving the Poultry Value Chain in Zimbabwe. The IPVC project is set to run for 3 years from the 1st of February 2019 to the 31st of January 2022.
Building on the recent successes of the Poultry Sector in Zimbabwe, the Inclusive Poultry Value Chain (IPVC) project seeks to promote an “efficient poultry value chain (VC) that contributes to inclusive green economic growth in Zimbabwe”. The IPVC project will achieve this by addressing key issues of competitiveness, profitability and growth as well as contributing to an inclusive and enabling environment in the poultry sector. Specifically, the IPVC project seeks to improve the profitability of SMPs in the poultry sector through the promotion and adoption of cost reduction strategies like localised feed production and bulking models. The IPVC Project will predominantly focus on Broilers and Layers with the primary beneficiaries of the project being established and emerging Small to Medium Producers (SMPs) either independent or contracted. The IPVC project will also look at other poultry classes that show potential for commercialisation and scalability like the dual purpose breeds for chickens among others.
The IPVC project will be implemented in five major poultry producing and marketing regions/clusters in Zimbabwe, that is, Harare, Bulawayo, Mutare, Masvingo and Gweru clusters. In addition, the project will train and capacitate 10 000 SMPs across the five clusters. SAT will be working in the Harare and Mutare clusters with WHH responsible for Bulawayo, Gweru and Masvingo Clusters.
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